My name is Roger Ingbretson and I would like to thank you for allowing me to introduce myself, my applications, and my company. I have worked in the insurance, banking, healthcare, and energy industries for over 35 years. The last 20 years have been in the energy industry in Houston, Texas. My philosophy on new system development is to develop applications with as much flexibility as possible without making maintenance tasks overly complicated. I do not believe in the old adage, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” When I find a better way of doing something, that methodology is used on new processes and retrofitted into existing processes. What this means is that once a developer understands my methodology, supporting my systems becomes relatively easy. Over the years I have developed Retail Energy Provider systems, Trade Capture/Valuation systems, Trade Schedule systems, Risk Analysis systems, Accounting systems, Asset Management systems and Health Care systems. I have worked with Sybase ASE, Sybase IQ, Oracle, SQL Server, My SQL, Access, DB2, Ingres, and Inquire databases. I offer excellent quality work at an affordable price. References can be provided upon request.
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